47 research outputs found

    Recupero e nuove politiche abitative per il Social Housing. Strategie di riqualificazione degli insediamenti di edilizia sociale ad alta intensità abitativa realizzati nelle periferie urbane in Italia nella seconda metà del '900

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    The object of this research regards the studies of strategies for regeneration large residential settlements in the urban peripheries that were constructed during the second half of the 20th century. These settlements, being subjected to a high level of social, technical, and functional deterioration, have their origins mostly in housing policies implemented during the post-WWII recovery period by public authorities to meet the intense demand for public housing through the urban planning of areas that were, at the time, peripheries but have since been absorbed by the urban fabric. The existing buildings in question were planned and constructed with no attention having been paid to energy issues from the points of view of both heating and natural illumination as well as ventilation, relying on non-renewable sources of energy to maintain adequate interior levels of comfort. The primary objective is to elaborate multidisciplinary analyses of strategies that include different yet complementary aspects of the construction attributes, such as: sustainability, energy efficiency, usability, accessibility, and multipurpose functions. Monitoring and control tools will be analysed in the research for specific renovation actions and programmes, with particular reference to those based on forms of partnership between public and private entities. The expected result is the elaboration of strategies and reflection for regeneration interventions, gathered from case studies but offering wide-scale applications on public housing complexes, including criteria, regulations, and requalification principles. In order to implement the functional and operational recovery models, the preliminary activities of the study were aimed at the identification of some case-studies that are representative of the Italian panorama because of their typology, construction, and state of physical and social deterioration

    Enhancing Heritage fruition through 3D semantic modelling and digital tools: the INCEPTION project

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    The INCEPTION project, “Inclusive Cultural Heritage in Europe through 3D Semantic Modelling”, started in June 2015 and lasting four years, aims at developing advanced 3D modelling for accessing and understanding European cultural assets. One of the main challenges of the project is to close the gap between effective user experiences of Cultural Heritage via digital tools and representations, and the enrichment of the scientific knowledge. Within this framework, the INCEPTION project goals are consistently aligned while accomplishing the main objectives of accessing, understanding and strengthening European cultural heritage by means of enriched 3D models. At the end of the third year of activity, the project is now facing different challenging actions starting from already developed advancement in 3D data capturing and holistic digital documentation, under interdisciplinary and cross-cutting fields of knowledge. In this direction, the approach and the methodology for semantic organization and data management toward H-BIM modelling will be presented, as well as a preliminary nomenclature for semantic enrichment of heritage 3D models. According to the overall INCEPTION workflow, the H-BIM modelling procedure starts with documenting user needs, including experts and non-experts. The identification of the Cultural Heritage buildings semantic ontology and data structure for information catalogue will allow the integration of semantic attributes with hierarchically and mutually aggregated 3D digital geometric models for management of heritage information

    Le nuove Information and Communication Technologies per la conoscenza e l’accessibilità del patrimonio culturale. Il progetto INCEPTION - Inclusive Cultural Heritage in Europe through 3D semantic modelling

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    A un anno dal suo avvio, il progetto “INCEPTION - Inclusive Cultural Heritage in Europe through 3D semantic modelling” porta al Salone del Restauro le più recenti innovazioni tecnologiche per il rilievo tridimensionale del patrimonio culturale, frutto delle prime attività di ricerca. Il progetto, finanziato dalla Commissione Europea nell’ambito del Work Programme "Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective Societies" (Call Reflective-7-2014, Advanced 3D modelling for accessing and understanding European cultural assets), a partire da metodologie innovative per il rilievo e la modellazione tridimensionale, si propone di sviluppare nuovi strumenti per l’interoperabilità e la condivisione inclusiva dei modelli tridimensionali verso nuove forme di accessibilità e conoscenza dell’identità del patrimonio culturale europeo

    Integrated data capturing requirements for 3D semantic modelling of cultural heritage: the inception protocol

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    The generation of high quality 3D models can be still very time-consuming and expensive, and the outcome of digital reconstructions is frequently provided in formats that are not interoperable, and therefore cannot be easily accessed. This challenge is even more crucial for complex architectures and large heritage sites, which involve a large amount of data to be acquired, managed and enriched by metadata. In this framework, the ongoing EU funded project INCEPTION – Inclusive Cultural Heritage in Europe through 3D semantic modelling proposes a workflow aimed at the achievements of efficient 3D digitization methods, post-processing tools for an enriched semantic modelling, web-based solutions and applications to ensure a wide access to experts and non-experts. In order to face these challenges and to start solving the issue of the large amount of captured data and time-consuming processes in the production of 3D digital models, an Optimized Data Acquisition Protocol (DAP) has been set up. The purpose is to guide the processes of digitization of cultural heritage, respecting needs, requirements and specificities of cultural assets

    Verso la deep renovation. Approccio e strategie di riqualificazione energetica del patrimonio residenziale pubblico.

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    Oggi gli edifici sono responsabili del 40% del consumo energetico globale e del 36% delle emissioni di CO2 nell’Unione Europea (Commissione europea [CE], 2014). Comparando le prestazioni degli edifici di nuova costruzione con quelli esistenti, si evince che i primi generalmente consumano meno di 3-5 l di olio combustibile per metro quadrato di superficie all’anno, mentre gli edifici esistenti ne consumano in media circa 25 l (CE, 2014). L’interesse verso il patrimonio edilizio esistente è quindi prioritario, in quanto rappresenta sicuramente il più alto potenziale di risparmio energetico e riduzione delle emissioni di gas serra. Questo dato è dimostrato anche dal fatto che, oltre il 70% degli edifici esistenti del continente, sono stati costruiti tra gli anni ‘50 e gli anni ‘70, in un periodo di totale assenza di ogni regolamentazione specifica riguardante le prestazioni energetiche degli edifici. In quest’ambito il settore residenziale è il più importante, a livello numerico, da riqualificare in quanto rappresenta il 75% del consumo totale di energia. In Italia, ad esempio, risulta che il 70% degli edifici plurifamiliari esistenti (circa 6 milioni di condomini) è stato costruito ante la prima norma sull’efficienza energetica nell’edilizia e che pertanto oggi non solo è molto energivoro ma non è più in grado di rispondere alle nuove domande di mercato e ai nuovi standard prestazionali. È quindi fondamentale istituire una politica di azione congiunta tra tutti gli Stati membri verso il rinnovamento dello stock esistente in modo da aumentarne la prestazioni energetiche nel lungo periodo attraverso il miglioramento del sistema tecnologico -edificio-impianto- considerando come parte rilevante un up-grade delle performance dell’involucro edilizio come anche l’incentivazione all’utilizzo di fonti energetiche rinnovabili

    Recupero e nuove politiche abitative per il Social Housing. Strategie di riqualificazione degli insediamenti di edilizia sociale ad alta intensità abitativa realizzati nelle periferie urbane in Italia nella seconda metà del '900

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    The object of this research regards the studies of strategies for regeneration large residential settlements in the urban peripheries that were constructed during the second half of the 20th century. These settlements, being subjected to a high level of social, technical, and functional deterioration, have their origins mostly in housing policies implemented during the post-WWII recovery period by public authorities to meet the intense demand for public housing through the urban planning of areas that were, at the time, peripheries but have since been absorbed by the urban fabric. The existing buildings in question were planned and constructed with no attention having been paid to energy issues from the points of view of both heating and natural illumination as well as ventilation, relying on non-renewable sources of energy to maintain adequate interior levels of comfort. The primary objective is to elaborate multidisciplinary analyses of strategies that include different yet complementary aspects of the construction attributes, such as: sustainability, energy efficiency, usability, accessibility, and multipurpose functions. Monitoring and control tools will be analysed in the research for specific renovation actions and programmes, with particular reference to those based on forms of partnership between public and private entities. The expected result is the elaboration of strategies and reflection for regeneration interventions, gathered from case studies but offering wide-scale applications on public housing complexes, including criteria, regulations, and requalification principles. In order to implement the functional and operational recovery models, the preliminary activities of the study were aimed at the identification of some case-studies that are representative of the Italian panorama because of their typology, construction, and state of physical and social deterioration

    L’importanza del progetto esecutivo nel processo edilizio

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    Il presente contributo intende da un lato, introdurre l’approccio didattico proposto agli studenti del Laboratorio di Costruzioni 2 che nell’arco di un semestre percorrono, metodologicamente, le principali fasi progettuali che contraddistinguono il processo edilizio e dell’altro, presentare l’importanza del progetto esecutivo al fine di realizzare opere coerenti in base agli obiettivi di progetto e alle prestazioni attese

    Case study: Italy, Le Piagge district in Florence

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    The Piagge district is located in the western suburbs of Florence, in the area between Via Pistoiese, the river Arno, the old cemetery of Peretola and the municipal border with Campi Bisenzio, comprising much of the land of the eliminated municipality of Brozzi. The first building expansion project was managed by the Florentine town plan in 1962, which envisaged a model living area for approximately 14.000 residents. The building plan was ambitious from the point of view of the road network infrastructures (two bridges over the Arno were planned for connecting with the Ugnano zone and a parallel road to Via Pistoiese to be obtained by covering the Fosso Macinante canal) and services such as schools and sports and health facilities. However, a series of related problems (large excavations in the area, land being bought by private owners, etc.) did not allow the full completion of the project

    Migliorare la qualità degli edifici attraverso la riduzione del gap di rendimento energetico

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    Il paper introduce una nuova metodologia di valutazione della qualità, basata sui concetti di “auto-istruzione” e “auto-ispezione” per edifici a basso consumo energetico costruiti con tecnologie prefabbricate. L’applicazione di tale metodologia diventa cruciale nel momento in cui si riscontra un numero crescente di edifici che consumano più energia di quanto previsto in fase di progettazione nonostante le nuove norme in materia di efficienza energetica, i processi innovativi di progettazione digitalizzati, l’impiego di componenti edilizi altamente prestazionali. Ridurre il gap tra le prestazioni previste e misurate è quindi vitale anche in relazione della nuova roadmap dell’UE la quale favorisce la costruzione e il recupero di edifici energicamente efficienti